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Just a Splash



I'm Andrea (she/her), a certified life coach, MBA, recovering perfectionist, partner, sister, friend, dog-auntie and yogi.


My journey is just like yours, winding. 


I was born in a midwestern city of the United States and like most kids, lived a simple yet mentally confusing life.


When my caregivers would have big reactions I felt scared and anxious. I never learned how to work through the anxiety, so I managed the same way it was displayed to me: I would cry alone, get angry and loud, storm out of rooms, pack a bag ("I'm leaving!!").


I had NO tools. 


As a small child I remember feeling desperate to get out, but feeling helpless.


So I found ways to escape. I would look at magazines, imagining what my life would be like if I were somewhere or someone else.


Later in life, I found other ways. Mostly by drinking and taking trips. 


I worked in bars and restaurants and surrounded myself with drinking culture. 


I was living life one escape and hangover to the next, and I constantly felt like I was waiting for my real life to start. 


Something had to give. 



Breaking Free from Alcohol


At that point, I thought the only way to escape the loop of drinking > feeling like hell > and drinking again, was to take action and change everything about my life. 


If I wanted things to be different, I had to change my job, move cities, and start something new (said my brain). 


So that's what I did.


I found a masters program in Spain and moved a year later (bc my brain said, "Urgent!!").


When I got there though, I realized I was still me. Doing all of the same things, just in a different country and with different people.


I felt really lost and disappointed in myself. 


So I turned to the best and worst self-help platform there is, social media.


During my scroll, I found a life coach and was immediately on board with her message:


"Rewire your brain, and get what you want in life."


No more big moves, no more escaping, no more using my career/partner/friend groups to feel good about myself.


By working with her, I was able to learn and apply tools that helped me deal with big emotions, trust myself and learn how to have my own back. 




After just a few months, I quickly realized that alcohol was preventing me from being the person I wanted to be, and that escaping was not a solution, it was a band-aid.


Once I finally got the formula down, I not only stopped drinking, but I felt happy and whole.


I felt like my life had finally begun.




Three years later, I made another big choice. This time though, it wasn't to escape, it was to capture something that had always been within me, I just never had explored it before. 


With the help of my coach and her tools, I began my own coaching journey. 


Now my mission is to help as many perfectionist women as possible, break free from alcohol guilt.


I have worked with countless clients who want to transform their relationship with alcohol for good.


It all starts with our thoughts. 





My coaching style and methodologies are based on the CTFAR coaching model, originally developed by Brooke Castillo of the Life Coach School. This model teaches us that our thoughts cause our feelings, which cause our actions and results. â€‹


The core of my work focuses on helping women master this model and understand how to use it to her advantage. After just a few sessions, clients will start to feel more in control of their lives by simply using their thoughts to create the life they want. 


Don't be fooled though, in the beginning this work feels anything but "simple." For those of us who use these tools daily, we are able reap all of the juicy rewards with less effort than I definitely ever thought possible. 



Let's Connect


If you'd like to know more about 1:1 coaching with me or my program, Break Free from Booze: How to Kick the Habit and Keep Your Life, send me a note at


Thanks for reading!



You being here is important.



With warmth,

Andrea x

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